Wildlife on the Road Education Materials
Slow Down for Wildlife
Please slow down for wildlife and give them a brake! Roadway deaths can be a very avoidable death for our community’s wild animals so please slow down and keep your eyes on the road to avoid hitting wildlife, road workers, and emergency personnel.
How to Help a Turtle Cross the Road
Turtles begin to get on the move in spring. As the weather continues to warm up, turtles of all kinds begin moving to new ponds to find mates and establish new territories. Follow these simple steps to help a turtle cross the road safely and remember to never put them, or any other wildlife, near your face.... especially snapping turtles!
Canada Geese Crossing Roads in the Snow
When snow is covering a lot of the grass in areas geese will have to venture further away to find adequate food for the whole flock; which sometimes means they have to cross roads. If you see geese or any other any animal crossing the street, slow down and stop if needed, put your hazards on, and flash your lights to warn oncoming drivers if needed. If you see a goose get hit by a car and it needs medical assistance, contact your local licensed wildlife rehabilitator.